Through its volume and diversity, the Program in Women's Oncology at Women & Infants Hospital provides the fellows with broad exposure to gynecologic malignancies. Ample opportunity for performing radical pelvic surgery and managing GI, urologic, and vascular problems caused by gynecologic cancer, or its treatment, is present during this three-year fellowship.
Most importantly, the experience of selecting the appropriate treatment to recommend to patients, based on the nuances of their specific disease, is provided. Questions of ethics and philosophy are central to every day functioning in women's oncology. The values of relationship-centered care are learned and appreciated by all.
We are pleased to offer a visiting elective opportunity for third year ObGyn residents from groups underrepresented in medicine (URM). To join our Program for a one-month gynecologic oncology rotation at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island/Brown University download our application URM Resident Rotation.
Program in Women's Oncology
Women & Infants Hospital/Brown University
101 Dudley Street
Providence, RI 02905-2401
p. (401) 430-7223
f. (401) 453-7529
Fellowship Director
Ashley R. Stuckey, MD
Fellowship Coordinator
Debra Mallon
ABOG eligibility and state medical license
PGY 5-7 scale plus stipend for conferences, memberships, and educational materials
Research (12 months)
Clinical/Surgical (24 months)
Experience in both outpatient and inpatient chemotherapy is another strength of the program. The fellow is completely integrated into the team which plans and implements these treatments. This environment is designed to foster spontaneous discussions and participation in treatment in a culture concerned with quality-of-care and quality-of-life.
As the center of an integrated cancer network, substantial resources and educational opportunities exist through Brown University teaching hospitals and other affiliate institutions. In the past, our fellows completed an additional year which included a breast fellowship. While no longer mandatory, after completion of the three-year gynecologic oncology fellowship, fellows will have the option of an additional year in which to complete a breast fellowship.
The gynecologic oncology program participates in a fully approved residency program in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as all the relevant disciplines at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. The systems for clinical care and education have been well established and are effective for all concerned – including the teaching of residents and medical students. Brown University and its affiliated hospitals offer capabilities for complex research, and the program's high patient and surgical volume allows fulfillment of a comprehensive educational mission. Our health care model has led us to become the region's oncology leader with a bright and compelling future.
The program is constantly developing new relationships with allied institutions, services, and physicians to build a sustainable sphere of influence. The vision encompasses a multi-institutional, integrated cancer network covering a wide, tri-state geographic region. Utilizing various means of outreach and the video conferencing network, still, the hub for cancer expertise will always be with "us" here in Providence. Program administration designed as a physician-led "service-line" is employed to foster a comprehensive, multidisciplinary cancer program for women. Fellows gain experience in administering such programs to assure a leadership role in more than clinical care in their future positions.
Our goal is to continue providing the highest level of medical and humanistic education for fellows, conducted in a superior academic (clinical/research/teaching) gynecologic oncology program. The process of education and creativity is difficult, continuously evolving and fun; and so it is for our three-year gynecologic oncology fellowship. By exposure to the management of a wide variety of gynecologic malignancies, fellows have broad experience in modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods and gain the insight to intellectually approach caring for the entirety of the cancer patient. In the context of a multidisciplinary team serving inpatients and outpatients, the fellows of our three-year fellowship program learn to treat gynecologic cancers (and their complications) employing multiple options including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Fellows have central involvement in a working-model multidisciplinary team that provides clinical, research, and academic leadership in women's health care and gyn oncology. Fellows help lead our open-forum prospective Tumor Board (a multidisciplinary panel of physicians and allied health professionals from various Brown University hospitals which meets weekly to review every malignancy presenting to Women & Infants). The Tumor Board forum continuously challenges thinking through its discussions between the region's leading medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, genetic counselors, pathologists, and gynecologic oncologists. Weekly Tumor Board is also offered through our telemedicine network to allied institutions in New England.
Another goal of the fellowship is to afford its fellows a foundation for pursuing the investigative and scholarly aspects of oncology, in the anticipation of their academic career path. Our Program actively participates in both clinical and basic research in the effort to advance the knowledge and treatment of cancer, while maintaining cutting-edge relevance within the Program itself. Fellows have a dedicated experience in these efforts. The research year allows the fellow to gain in-depth knowledge and an appreciation of the broader requirements needed to sustain basic science research. More limited research time is also available to the fellows during the two clinical years, such that projects may be continued and completed while others are started.
As part of the Women's Oncology Program, fellows gain experience with multi-institutional research groups such as the:
Further, fellows work within Brown University's extensive research network. Goals of the research experience are to afford patients the latest scientific insight and to encourage physician-researchers to pursue, and seek funding for, their special scientific interests. Facilitating a current understanding and a stimulus for future continued learning is at the heart of the fellowship program's ideals.
Finally, it is a fellowship goal to foster an exploration about humanism, values, values-based care, and creating a health care system in which we can all believe. Towards that end, fellows receive education about, and experience in, leadership that they become effective advocates for, and administrators of, those principles upon which quality medical care and education are based. This role (i.e. health care leader) becomes particularly relevant in ever constraining economic and political times which look to profoundly affect health care, teaching and research. The balance of ideals, relevance, and reality is a skill that will be required of the physician-leaders of the future. Thus, this is part of our fellow's educational experience.
All interested candidates are required to submit their applications electronically to ERAS (Electronic Resident Application Service).
Items to be included are:
Important Dates:
For more information regarding fellowship training resources through SGO, please visit
ObGyn Residency completed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Boston, Massachusetts.
ObGyn Residency completed at Duke University of North Carolina.
ObGyn Residency completed at Tufts Medical Center of Boston, Massachusetts.
ObGyn Residency completed at Virginia Commonwealth University of Richmond, Virginia.
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